Achieving Growth
Impact Measurement & Data in Africa
Impact measurement and data in Africa present multifaceted challenges that are deeply interconnected. Reliable data is often lacking, outdated, or of poor quality, hampering accurate impact assessment. Africa's diverse cultural, economic, and geographical landscape requires adaptable measurement approaches for achieving standardisation and ensuring data comparability and consistency.
Determining the true impact of interventions is further complicated by external factors and resource constraints, including limited financial and human resources. Additionally, capturing the informal sector and overcoming language and cultural diversity pose significant challenges to traditional data collection methods.

A homegrown standardised impact measurement index, supported by adequate resources, offers a viable solution to these challenges.
This integrated approach prioritises consistency, quality, and adaptability while enhancing local capacity and minimising political interference.
By providing a comprehensive assessment framework, it facilitates accurate evaluations of impact at individual, community, and enterprise levels.

The approach recognises the holistic wellbeing of an enterprise's workforce, assessing health, wellness, and quality of life across eight dimensions.

Through the ICE Index, enterprises gauge their direct influence on community beneficiaries and customers, evaluating transformational impact.

Assessment focuses on six conditions of systems change, including policies, practices, resource flows, connections, power dynamics, and mental models. This provides insights into the enterprise's overall health and sustainability in driving impact.

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