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Earlier this year we launched YouthEmploy Africa with a bold mission: to create 5 million youth jobs in Africa by 2030.

This initiative employs the I-A-F methodology, outlined on the following page, to foster partnerships and drive transformative change.

Achieving this ambitious goal requires a comprehensive, collaborative approach that transcends traditional business practices. YouthEmploy Africa emphasises systematic collaboration and co-creation among private sector organisations, youth, women, government, and development partners.


Success lies in unlocking opportunities through collaborative efforts, leveraging the I-A-F methodology to scale businesses and increase youth employment. I-A-F stands for Identity, Accelerate, and Fund. 


Create 5 Million Jobs By 2030

CVPAfrica | YouthEmploy Africa | I.A.F Methodology
  • Identify private sector enterprises willing and able to work with women and youth.

  • Minimum 2 years in operations.

CVPAfrica | YouthEmploy Africa | I.A.F Methodology
  • Accelerate private sector enterprises to accommodate youth and women as they scale.

CVPAfrica | YouthEmploy Africa | I.A.F Methodology
  • Support private sector enterprises to access resources to grow and work with youth and women


CVPAfrica | YouthEmploy Africa | Benefits To Collaborators

Shared value- Investing in job creation and economic development can contribute to long-term business growth and sustainability, as it helps build a more stable and prosperous society.

Creating 5M youth/women jobs in Africa will contribute to sustainable development, which is a key focus for many development partners seeking long-term solutions to poverty and inequality.

CVPAfrica | YouthEmploy Africa | Benefits To Collaborators



Development Partners, Foundations and Philanthropic organizations, NGOs

Private Sector Partners -Large corporations, Social enterprises, Impact investors Corporate foundations, Banks


CVPAfrica | YouthEmploy Africa | Creating Jobs
Marrakesh Market

Interested in Job Creation?

Contact us by filling and submitting this form.

We will contact you at a time of your convenience for a one on one engagement. 

We look forward to hearing from you. 

CVPAfrica | YouthEmploy Africa | Logo
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